I implement principles of intersectional (queer) feminism in all my illustrations.
This means that I question norms in my work and make marginalized people visible without the images losing any of their comprehensibility. To do this, I often use intuitively understandable symbolism and emotionality.
Detransition (2021)
Queeres Netzwerk Niedersachsen, Brochure about detransitioning
Ink on paper
Sisterhood (2022)
Own work about femininity and solidarity, ink on paper (rendered digitally)
Wer ist diese FLINTA (2022)
Own work about gender/sex and its visibility, ink on paper
Pride Month (2023)
own work concerning various events in June 2023. (Diskussions about representation of kink at pride as well as a new law affecting trans people in Germany). Digital work
Inter* (2023)
Illustration for the traveling exhibition "Diversity", ink on paper
Being nonbinary (2021)
own work concerning nonbinary identities, ink on paper